Lets flashback in time a little bit:
Day 1 - Physics. I started to feel slightly ill but paper 3 was the cure to my sickness.
Day 2 - Biology. Paper 1 and 2 was the antibiotics I needed to fight the illness.
Day 3 - Add maths and Maths. The illness came back ~ with a vengeance~
Day 4 - Chemistry. The illness killed me dead.
I hope that Day 5 - Sejarah - will be able to resurrect me from the dead and so I will become a zombie.
Then hopefully from there I can work my way up back to normal human being.
Until I get back my marks of course.
Then I have to start all over again.
I started a new blog for my Random ramblings about anime/manga. So that I don't disturb the non-anime fanatics with my obsessive tendencies ~bwahahahahah~
It's HERE.
Not very prettified yet, but fully operational.
[That's just one of the things I've always wanted to say...type...whatever.]